Guestbook for
Teresa J. Harkness

This Guestbook has been created as a tribute to
Teresa J. Harkness

from stories I always heard of this amazing lady, I know she will be so very missed by all of you. I loved hearing the stories from Barbara over the years. Sending hug wrapped comfort to all of you as you go through this sad time. Just knowing how much she loved you hopefully makes you smile. SHE SURE DID LOVE LIFE AND PARTICIPATED ALL THE WAY! A woman that showed all " to live life to the fullest". You are all in my thoughts and prayers, Sandy (Henault) Eramo
Sandy Eramo (Brunswick, maine)

My most sincere condolences to the Harkness family for their loss. She will be in our thoughts and prayers.
Kevin Faulkner (Lincoln, RI)

Chris, Michelle and family,
Wishing you and your family peace to bring comfort, courage to face the days ahead and loving memeories to forever hold her in your hearts. I know she holds a special place in mine. She will be missed!

Love Janet
Janet M. Goglia (Smithfield, RI)

Hi Bill,
I am so sorry to hear of your loss. I like to send my condolences to you and your family. You will be in my thoughts and prayers.
Ayla Hudson (Montpelier, Vermont)

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